近代物理所7月22日|International Symposium on Mechanisms and Countermeasures to Bone Loss in Space Environments
International Symposium on Mechanisms and Countermeasures to Bone Loss in Space Environments
1. Mechanical simulator for dynamic loading of devitalized cortical bone to evaluate influence on bioapatite stability and microstructure
2. Expected alterations of bone mineral under simulated microgravity and solid-state physic approaches for their evaluation
报告人:S.Danilchenko 教授,乌克兰科学院应用物理研究所
3. Prevention of bone loss in space environments:A potential method with extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields
报告人: 陈克明 教授,兰州陆军总医院骨科研究所
时 间: 2016 年 7 月 22 日 下午 3 :00
地 点: 近代物理所6号楼 315会议室